Mark Harlow
Managing Director
Harlow Gaming Concepts
South Australia
Ph +61429 863 677
Harlow Gaming Concepts is committed to the development of exciting, new and innovative casino table games.
The Team is headed up by Mark Harlow, former croupier at the Adelaide Casino in South Australia with years of gaming experience.
Mark has a vision of creating new table games for casinos with Multiple House Edge options and exciting Side Bets. This allows properties to customize games to suit their business model and more importantly their customers playing experience.
After a successful trial in Australia and a recent and first time visit to Las Vegas for the Richard Marcus 2022 Game Protection and Table Games Conference Lucky Pairs ticks all the boxes. Many attendees were suitably impressed and Lucky Pairs polled well in the judging.
Lucky Pairs Players are dealt 2 cards each and are looking to have a higher pair than the Dealer to win. If the Player and the Dealer don't have a pair the highest 2 card total wins. Lucky Pairs uses 2 Joker/Wild cards which help create pairs. The optional Side Bet is for the Player receiving 1 or both Jokers
Lucky Pairs 2.0 Is the same main game concept to Lucky Pairs. The Jokers have been removed along with the Joker Side Bet. There are now 2 optional Side Bets. One for the Players 2 cards being paired. The Second is for the Dealers hand being paired, which includes a 3 of a kind and 4 of a kind combining with the Players hand with very enticing odds for Players
NEW- TRIPS Poker is a 'No Pressure' Poker where Players simply need to make a 3 card Poker hand with one dealt 'Hole Card' and 2 communal cards, Flop and Turn. Players have the opportunity to create a second hand called the River. Players can win twice in the one round. The optional Side Bet is if the 2 communal cards are paired and or 3 of a kind with the Players Hole card.
All games are Patent Pending, Trademarked and Copyright. GLI (Gaming Laboratories International) reports available on request which include multiple options to customize games to suit different casinos regulatory/legal obligations and requirements.
Please feel free to contact us with any further inquiries.